Warhammer Disciples of Tzeentch ウォーハンマー ディサイプル・オヴ・ティーンチ
Models unpainted (except Ogroid) The bases will be provided.
Magister Magister on disk Ogroid Thaumaturge 30 Kairic Acolytes 10 Kairic Acolytes (on sprue) 2x 20 Tzaangors 9 Tzangors Skyfires Tzangor Shaman The Eye of Nine
Warhammer Disciples of Tzeentch
ウォーハンマー ディサイプル・オヴ・ティーンチ
Models unpainted (except Ogroid)
The bases will be provided.
Magister on disk
Ogroid Thaumaturge
30 Kairic Acolytes
10 Kairic Acolytes (on sprue)
2x 20 Tzaangors
9 Tzangors Skyfires
Tzangor Shaman
The Eye of Nine
ウォーハンマー AOS
Warhammer AOS