This is a PPFM denim boa jacket.The color has faded nicely. There are not many PPFM denim boa jackets for sale, so please consider it as soon as possible. It has a cool design that is different from todays designs, such as the arm design. Im sorry, but I cant tell the quality because the tag is faded and cannot be seen.
This is a PPFM denim boa jacket.The color has faded nicely. There are not many PPFM denim boa jackets for sale, so please consider it as soon as possible. It has a cool design that is different from todays designs, such as the arm design. Im sorry, but I cant tell the quality because the tag is faded and cannot be seen.
⭐サイズ M
#ラルフローレン #RRL #ブルックスブラザーズ
#トゥモローランド #ユナイテッドアローズ #ヴィンテージ
#タケオキクチ #HUGOBOSS
#クリームソーダ #古着 #古着男子 #スーツセレクト #ポールスミス #ジュンメン #メンズティノラス #FUGA #菅田将暉 #古着男子
#下北沢 #メンズビギ #メンズティノラス
#JPRESS #ポールスミス #ダーバン #五大陸
#アーバンリサーチ #ユニバーサルランゲージ